Plumbing Woes of Older Homes: How to Deal with Them

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Getting Your Plumbing Repaired

A few months ago, I realized that our home had some serious plumbing issues. It seemed like our sinks were constantly clogged, and it was really frustrating to deal with. I didn't want to have to unplug a drain every single time I wanted to take a shower, so I decided to call in a few professional plumbers to make things right. They were amazing to work with. They were able to quickly identify the cause of the problem and flush out the drains in a jiffy. After our plumbing was finally fixed, I felt like I could start focusing my attention on other home issues. Check out this blog to find out how plumbers could help you.


Plumbing Woes of Older Homes: How to Deal with Them

21 December 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you own an older home, you may have encountered plumbing issues that have left you scratching your head. Perhaps you've noticed slow drainages, water leaks, or even foul odors. These problems are common in older homes, where plumbing systems may be outdated. Plumbing issues can lead to costly damages, so you need to deal with them at some point.

Galvanized Pipes

One of the main issues homeowners face in older homes is with their galvanized pipes, which are prone to corrosion and rust buildup over time. Rust inside the pipes can cause reduced water pressure or blockages, leading to leaks and massive damage if not fixed. If you have metal pipes in your home, consider replacing them with newer materials, such as PVC pipes, that are more durable and will prevent issues in the future. 

Slow Drainage

Older homes may also have slow drainage issues, usually caused by a buildup of hardened grease or debris in the sewer line. While it may be tempting to use chemical drain cleaners to unclog the drain, this may lead to more severe problems. A plumbing snake or hydro-jet, which uses water pressure to unclog the blockage, is a safer option. 

Outdated Water Heater

Another common issue is outdated water heaters, which may cause inconsistent hot water supply or skyrocketing energy bills. If your water heater is over ten years old, it may be time to replace it with a newer, energy-efficient model to save on energy costs and avoid plumbing emergencies.

Sewer Line Issues

Sewer line issues are common in older homes and can cause serious problems like backups, foul odors, and health hazards. The roots of trees may invade sewer lines and cause blockages or cracks, leading to leakage. A licensed plumber can inspect your sewer line with a camera, which can pinpoint the root cause of the problem and allow the plumber to propose the best solution, whether repairing or replacing the sewer line.

Leaky Faucets

Leaky faucets are another common issue in older homes due to the wear and tear of the fixtures. A leaking faucet can waste gallons of water a year, leading to high water bills, and can also cause damage to the surrounding areas around it. While you may be tempted to fix it yourself with a DIY repair kit, it's best to consult a professional plumber to ensure the issue is resolved correctly.

Plumbing issues in older homes can be costly and stressful, but a licensed plumber can resolve them. By identifying the root cause of the plumbing problem and fixing it adequately, you can avoid costly damage and keep your plumbing system running smoothly. Remember to seek professional help when in doubt instead of risking further damage to your plumbing system.