Draining The Lies: Debunking 3 Common Plumbing And Septic Myths

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Getting Your Plumbing Repaired

A few months ago, I realized that our home had some serious plumbing issues. It seemed like our sinks were constantly clogged, and it was really frustrating to deal with. I didn't want to have to unplug a drain every single time I wanted to take a shower, so I decided to call in a few professional plumbers to make things right. They were amazing to work with. They were able to quickly identify the cause of the problem and flush out the drains in a jiffy. After our plumbing was finally fixed, I felt like I could start focusing my attention on other home issues. Check out this blog to find out how plumbers could help you.


Draining The Lies: Debunking 3 Common Plumbing And Septic Myths

1 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Plumbing is an imperative part of your home. Not only does it allow water to move into your home for bathing and other everyday tasks, but the plumbing system also removes waste in an effective and efficient manner. Unfortunately, you may believe certain myths related to your plumbing that are not true. Believing these myths can actually damage your plumbing and septic system, leading to costly repairs. By draining away these lies, you will learn the truth behind a few common plumbing myths.

Flushable Wipes Are Flushable

Whether used for wiping after using the bathroom or cleaning countertops and toilets, "flushable" wipes are not actually suited to being flushed down the toilet even if they are labeled "flushable."

The materials used to create these wipes may be strong enough to clean yourself of various parts of your home, but they are not capable of completely breaking down in water. Over time, the fragments of the wipes will build up in your septic system and toilet drain, increasing the risk of chronic clogs and a backed-up septic system. Removing clogs may not seem like a big issue, but repairing or replacing a backed-up septic tank and flooded yard can be expensive and stressful.

In addition, many of these wipes contain chemicals that are necessary for cleansing and cleaning your skin and parts of the home. These chemicals will eventually end up your local water sources, negatively affecting the environment

Even if they are labeled "flushable," flushable wipes should never be flushed down the toilet. For the safest disposal, place them in your waste bin and dispose with your normal household trash.

Small Leaks Are Normal

Another myth that many people believe is associated with their sink and tub faucets. While most people will experience water dripping from faucets in their sink, tub, or shower at one point in time, these leaks should never be considered normal.

You may be surprised to learn how much small drops of water from a faucet can really add up. An estimated 1 liter of water is wasted with 4,000 drips and only 15,140 drops of water equal an entire gallon of water waste. This water waste is bad for the environment, but it will also increase your expenses if you have a monthly water bill.

Preventing this water waste will usually require a minor repair. In many cases, replacing a worn washer in the faucet will stop the annoying and wasteful water leak. This simple fix is affordable, saving you a great deal of waste and money.

Drain Cleaners Are Sufficient for Removing Clogs

Clogs will happen periodically, whether in your toilet or kitchen sink drain. Certain tips can help reduce these clogs, but they still may develop at one point in time. Therefore, many homeowners regularly utilize drain cleaning chemicals that are sold at home improvement stores and discount retailers.

These liquids can help eat through clogs caused by tissue paper, waste, and even food residue or grease, but they actually do more harm than good.

The chemicals used in these liquid drain cleaners are incredibly harsh on your plumbing and septic system. Excessive use of the chemicals can corrode metal pipes and fittings while eroding plastic and acrylic plumbing lines and components. This damage increases the risk of leaks while potentially causing issues in your water quality.

As the drain cleaning chemicals move through your plumbing and septic systems, they can also affect your soil, water sources, and the environment as a whole.

If you are constantly dealing with clogs, consider having a professional drain cleaning service that is capable of removing stubborn debris and buildup using safe, non-toxic solutions.

With the help of this guide and a plumber at companies like Five  Star Plumbing, you will be able to drain the lies associated with your plumbing and septic systems.